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Get Real Now, touring

In a groundbreaking dance performance, the borders of virtual reality and the physical stage merge into a magical symbiosis of art and technology. In the first part, the audience enters a virtual world where light vibrates to the beat of the pulse while digital landscapes are dancing around them. Here, the dancers explore limitless motions and use their bodies to create art in a dimension where the lack of gravity becomes a poetic challenge.

In the second part, the audience returns to reality, but traces of the virtual journey still remain. The stage is a dynamic palette where the digital and reality coincide. Through their movements and performances, the dancers evoke memories of the virtual world. The audience finds themselve
s at the center of an artistic transformation, where the physical presence is challenged and changed due to the digital impact.

Get Real has been adapted and presented in a number of alternative spaces such as libraries, exhibition-halls, school and conferences.



Concept: Robin Jonsson
Created by and performed by: Emelie Wahlman, Nea Landin, 
Anika Edström Kawaji and Rebecka Berchtold
Light-design: Johan Sunden
Music: William Rickman
Costume-design: Elin Hallberg
Technician: Angela X
Text: Malin Axelsson
Artistic Advisor: Ebba Petrèn.
VR-design: Lutra Interactive
VR-developer: Dyno Robotics

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